
Monday, June 27, 2011

One Thing One Week Challenge

Amy at amyscreativeside has challenged us to finish just one thing this past week.

I picked a very doable goal for me, since I was going to be out of town for 3 days, then have hubby's birthday party to prepare for.  What I didn't anticipate is 3 sick kids to top it all off.  But I was able to finish my goal and soooo much more! (Mostly because hubby had to go out two days to different events that I was supposed to go to, but was home with the kids instead.)

So here is the finished goal:

 Two blocks of embroidery for my birdie stitches quilt.  I brought it along with me to do while we were on the road.

Here's what I didn't expect to get finished! My Christmas quilt! I'll post more about this later.


  1. love the birdies. And congrats on that little something extra with the Christmas quilt! Can't wait to see the whole thing!

  2. An unexpected treat thinking about Christmas in June. It's a good reminder that it is always approaching :-) You made a beautiful quilt.

  3. Wohooo, 2 finishes. Congrats on meeting your challenge goal! Hope the kids are fine by now!

  4. Love your christmas quilt. Can't wait to see details! Congrats on your goals. Those bridie stichies (or whatever they are called) are trully cute.
    ~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva 
