
Monday, August 29, 2011

Quilting for Kids Update

Things are really hopping along over at the newly founded  Quilting for Kids Flickr group!

If you haven't joined, feel free to.  But I have to say, that we only need 2 more commitments for the Garden Fence block (shown below) and then we're done!

blocks for the kids
Made by Jennifer at Knotted-Thread
We've reached our goal for the Charming Stars Quilt.  Here's a great example from Amy at CraftyDame:
star 2

I can't believe that so many of you have joined in this group and have already completed your blocks and sent them on their way! (Okay, I have to stop using exclamation points so much...but I'm really excited.)

You see, I'm a new blog.  When I posted this Call for Help a week ago, I had about 32 followers.  So I didn't really know if I would get many responses.  But those followers came through and then passed the information on to their followers.  Now I'm at a *whopping 45*.  Small potatoes, I know, but it's still exciting to me!

I really am very grateful that so many have helped out.  Please go on over to the flickr group and see what great purple and pink blocks have been made. 

And again, go on back and check out why we're even doing this.  You can find the story here.

I think when these are finished, we may do another quilt.  There is no shortage of kids in the foster system who could use something to call their own.  So, what do you think? Would you make another block? Would you be willing to receive the blocks and make them into a quilt for a child?  We can really do something here!

Linking with {Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations


  1. This is so wonderful Sarah - my 1st block is cut out and I love this block and may use it to make a quilt myself. Foster parents do an amazing job and it`s a lovely thing you are doing for the two girls. I think your mum probably deserves a quilt!

  2. Wonderful news, Sarah. Congratulations.

    Since I am in Australia and postage is expensive, I will pass on making more blocks. I already sew for a group called "Angels for the Forgotten" that works with kids going into foster care in NSW, so I'm already with you in spirit and in practice. I'm in the middle of making another baby blanket for them now actually! It's pinned and ready for quilting as soon as I've caught up on my blog post reading!

    Good luck with it all; I truly hope and pray that it goes well.

  3. Congratulations! I'm so excited you're almost there, and flattered your showing my blocks! haha This was such a great endeavor and I couldn't be more excited about seeing the final quilts!

  4. I just found your blog and would love to make a block to support your wonderful project! My flickr ID is L Hellewell. I hope these two quilts turn into many :)

  5. ha! i looked at the link thing for {sew} modern monday and thought "did i already post to this?" but nope, it was you!

    i'm glad you liked my blocks, i had fun making them!

  6. Sarah I have just caught up with your blog blocks for the girls, it was wonderful to read the quick response you received & to know you now all ready have enough blocks its amazing; quilters are wonderful. I'm sure you are keeping your mum on the quick growth of these quilts & this alone will warm her heart. Thanks so much for doing this for these precious girls. Cheers Glenda
