
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mini Quilt

If you've ever been to Miami, you've definitely seen the works of Romero Britto.
nice luggage
Beginning in the airport itself, with luggage on display.

Britto is a self-taught artist from Brazil who came to Miami in 1988. Now, he's internationally known and has work in many of the modern cities throughout the world.
Driving down 1-95 the other day, headed toward University of Miami, I saw this new addition on an older building. Gives it a nice splash of color, no?

Romero Britto, Miami. Romero Britto on South Beach
You can find these images around South Beach, Miami.

And don't forget the Dolphin's Stadium!

Really, his work is everywhere. So, how could I not be inspired?
 It's like a quilt looking right at me!

So I have used this inspiration and have made my mini quilt for the Modern Mini Quilt Challenge over at Ellison Lane Quilts.

picnikfile_6e0crM about a QAL?! This is a very easy project. It's great to do with a child. Let them draw the design and then I'll teach you how to prepare it for quilting! So, what do you think?

Grab a button and spread the word. I'll start posting tutorials soon!

South Beach QAL

Linked up with Quiltstory, SewHappyGeek, CanoeRidgeCreations, Esther, Freshly Pieced, JAQS Studio


  1. I love your mini quilt and I learning what inspired you to make it. I've not come across Romero Britto before.

  2. That is the cutest quilt! How fun! I definitely want to follow along! (even if I don't have time to sew it right now, I would love to learn how! :)

  3. That looks fabulous Sarah! Wish i had time for another QAL...

  4. Wow ... wow. I have GOT to get to Miami. I loved your personal rendition as well.

    Mary @ Sea Quilts

  5. LOVE the mini quilt! This idea is so great! I love the vibrancy of the colors!

  6. I think it adorable...I won`t promise to do the qal...would love to. But I would watching...

  7. What a cool mini! I am loving the mosaic look!

  8. Britto's work is fun; thanks for sharing it with me.

    (And, lest you think Blogger has been withholding comments,I am currently reading through all your posts from Feb 29 forward - it's good to have a faster internet connection and I'm doing my best to catch up on my friend's doings!)
