
Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Spring Quilt

Colleen from our Grace circle at do. Good stitches has made a great design for our next quilt.

March Design Book

Some of the tulip blocks are being posted. Colleen made a great tulip tutorial here.

March do. Good Stitches Spring Tulips for do. Good Stitches

I contributed two butterfly blocks, using this tutorial here.

for March do.good stitches Grace circle For March do.good stitches Grace circle

I love the creativity I get to be part of with this group of women! If you haven't joined in to help, there are new circles starting all the time. You should consider it.


  1. So fresh and reminds me of the 1930's quilts. I always enjoy your blog Sarah; so I have passed on the Liebster Blog Award!!!!! to you today. See my site for details. Cheers Glenda

  2. Ух, как здорово! Эскиз замечательный! Начало отличное! Удачи вам в исполнении!
