
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What's going on?

Oh, I have so much to show you!
But I only have pictures of some cute pillows I made this year.

I made two of these for my boys' teachers.

I made two of these for the boys' teachers.

And this one I made for me. :)  I made it with an envelope enclosure on the back, so that I can just store the pillow sham, instead of the whole pillow.

A new Christmas pillow for the couch.

Before we left, I finished my stained glass quilt, but I don't remember where I put it! I think I put it in my parent's house for safe keeping, but I keep forgetting to look when I'm over.  I've searched through all of our stuff and can't find that and my Christmas quilt! AH!

I also finished Owen's quilt and have started working on blocks for my niece's quilt.  Her birthday is in February, but the way things are lately, I will need to take my time and sew when I can.  More pics on these soon!

Linking up....

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Wow, love the cushions!
    & Lucky teachers! They will love them!

  2. Good idea to store only the cover, not the whole cushion! Oops, sorry, pillow! Hope you find the missing quilts!

  3. Wow, sounds like you are getting a lot accomplished. Love that Joy pillow!
