I am still on my very loooong road trip. Still in Colorado right now then headed to Oklahoma from here. So Laura, a Flickr friend, has asked if we could send her blocks for a quilt that will be used for foster children.
It's a very simple string block. The tutorial is here: http://www.107quilts.com/2011/09/sew-modern-bee-october-tutorial-string.html

It's a simple sew, and Laura is making it even easier, because she wants each block to be one color. So get out your scraps and use 'em up for a good cause!
Read below what this quilt is to be used for. And thank you all for your help!
Head on over to the Quilting for Kids group to sign up. If you haven't already joined the group, you're welcomed to! And I'll take any advertising you can give for this project!
Laura says:
Cross Bridge Ranch will be opening this fall. It is a ranch for girls in foster care away from their homes while they await placement in foster homes. It will also be a transitional home for girls between high school and adult life on their own.
Cross Bridge is a Christian organization affiliated with a local church and will house up to 16 girls ages 6-14 who are in the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services system. These girls are getting ready to go into foster care. Some on-site counseling will be available and employees will take the girls to psychiatrist and doctor’s appointments. The children will be enrolled in the local school district and involved in sports, community and church activities.
In the future, they will be adding a facility to house girls ages 15-21, who aren’t going to be adopted or aren’t going back home. They will be able to get a GED or high school diploma, be taught job skills, learn how to drive, etc. Often times, children that turn 18 are turned out of the system. As long as they are enrolled in college or job skills courses, girls 18 -21 will be allowed to stay in the facility.
The third phase of the program will be to add a facility for boys. This will make it easier for siblings to have regular visits with one another.
They have the housing and are currently acquiring beds, bedding and other necessities. My hope is to have a quilt for each girl in the facility, by the time they arrive. I want them to take the quilts with them when they leave, and I will have more quilts made as new girls arrive.
Thank you so much for volunteering to help.