It's time to start a new project.
This time, we are making a quilt for a young man who is in the foster care system (he is the brother of the two sisters we made the pink and purple quilt for.)
This young man lives with a lot of stress, mostly situational. But he also is working on acquiring coping skills that will help him handle things better when they don't go his way.
I've been at breakfast with my mom when she's received numerous frantic calls from him. She has to help talk him down and help him relax and see the bigger picture.
That's the problem, the bigger picture sometimes looks so bleak, it's like you're looking out a very dirty window and if you could just wipe it all clean, things would look so much better.
This is where he is in life. So we will make a quilt for him to comfort him and remember to keep looking, and things will clear up.
So here's the plan. When I saw this quilt by
Toni (who helped us on the last Quilting for Kids quilts), I knew that this would be a great design for a boy. It's a great, easy pattern that will be very striking in his favorite color combination, which is red, black, grey and white.
We are going to use solids only. Because he is a teenage boy, I think it will be difficult to find many fabrics in these colors that are "boyish," I would hate to receive blocks that I don't feel would match the rest of the quilt and not be able to use them.
Also, I will be making the red blocks, so that the red will all match. So what I need from you is a white/black or white/any shade of grey block. I know this seems like a much more boring quilt than the last, but I promise there will be another one shortly that will be for another girl and will allow us to be more creative with our fabric.
Each block will be 10.5" unfinished.
You will only need two 8.5" squares to get started. One white and one either black or grey. **Please use Kona white or something equivalent so that the blocks will look good next to each other.** Any shade of grey is fine.
A full tutorial is available
with pictures here, but basically you cut a 8.5" square from both fabrics and sew them right sides together all the way around the outside then cut into quarters along the diagonal. Press then trim to 5.5" then sew back together in order. It's super easy and fast. I finished mine in 10 minutes.
I need 25 black and 25 grey blocks to make a twin size quilt. If you would like to participate, go on over to the
flickr group and sign up. I would like to receive these blocks by mid January, so if you could mail them out by the 12th, that would be awesome.
Thank you all so much for your help! And if you'd like to share on your blog or other media site and recruit people, by all means do! You can also use the Quilting for Kids button for your blog. It's available on the side bar...over there.----->
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