I will not be able to make a new quilt for a while, because I will be on the road with my family for about 4 months. (More on that later.)
But, I have a great project for us to work on. I met Jenny through do.Good stitches on Flickr. Our group, the Grace circle, makes quilt for children who are in foster care, just like Quilting for Kids.
She has written a little backstory on why she needs this quilt. I think you will find it is very moving and goes right along with what our group has been focused on.
My family is on the way to becoming a foster family. We are two home inspections away from finishing our home study for licensing. My main reason we are on this path are the friends I made who lived in the neighborhood foster home. Being a foster kid is hard. Moved from place to place with little control on where you are going. In most cases, they have little that actually belongs to them and no real choice on their belongings. In some cases, these children travel with their most cherished belongings in trash bags and most cases they don't have a choice what to bring. Depending on the case, the children have nothing either due to neglect, chemical saturation, or home situation. I want every child who comes to my home to have a quilt for keeps. Something warm, tangible, and solid in a isolated, confusing time in a kid's life.
Isnt' that GREAT?! She is a hero in my eyes.
So, will you help out?
She has chosen a simple box in box pattern, inspired by this quilt from FilmintheFridge on Flickr.
The blocks will need to be 12.5" unfinished.

Prints or solids are fine, she just wants to make sure that it remains as gender-neutral as it can.
She has included these two pictures of fabric for inspiration.

If you would like to help out, please head on over to the Flickr Group and sign up!
Then spread the word. You can grab our Quilting for Kids Button in the right side of my blog!

Lovely family! I had foster sisters in my house as a very young child, and I still have fond memories of a houseful of kids, during the times we had them there. It can be tough to "share" but looking back, I remember my family being large and full of love. SIgned up on FLickr group.