Well, I have the perfect block for you. All you need is a 1.5" square. Yep, that small.
Little Miss Shabby posted a tutorial for these two blocks a while ago. I saw them and knew that I had to make a quilt like that.
I've been collecting little pieces as I go. I just trim it down to 1.5 x 1.5 and then throw it in a baggie with the others.
I take these out whenever I want to sew something mindless. You know what I mean? Just something I don't have to figure out as I go.
Soon, all those scraps turn into these!

So far, I've only sat down to do this twice, and I almost have enough to make a full quilt. Maybe just one more go round, so maybe in a few more months this one will be ready to go.
The thing I love about it is how all those scraps come together to make something so unique.
Scrappy quilts are becoming my favorite!
So, what do you think? Does it play tricks on your eyes?
I like it!